


Please check with the Rowan-Salisbury Schools website for closings due to inclement weather (www.rss.k12.nc.us). FRC Preschool follows the RSS's decision for closure on snow days for the first two days of closure. Thereafter, parents will need to check the church website, www.firstreformedoflandis.org, to see if the preschool will be OPEN. If RSS has a two hour delay, the preschool will follow its regular schedule. If RSS has a three hour delay, the preschool will be closed. If you feel that you cannot travel safely due to the weather, please feel free to keep your child at home. In case of early dismissal, the preschool will follow the RSS schedule for dismissal. If the weather deteriorates quickly, and you are concerned about safety, please feel free to pick up your child early.



FRC is not equipped to provide exceptional considerations for special needs children.